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    The Epilepsy Foundation of Western Ohio offers programs & services within in our 11 county region,*free of charge and relies on the continued generosity from caring people, like you .


EFWO Programs & Services  :

Community Education

Emergency Rx Assistance

Camp Flame Catcher Assistance

Individualized & Group Support

Personalized IEP meetings

Studio E Art Therapy 

Informational Library Resources

Advocacy & Doctor Referral 


*EFWO service area  includes: Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, & Shelby counties


The CaraBear Project celebrates the life of Cara Meyer, affectionately known as “CaraBear.”

From tragedy to triumph, the Meyer Family celebrates Cara's legacy through the CaraBear Project. The CaraBear Project is a unique plush bear that specializes in adding comfort, smiles and epilepsy awareness.   


With your contribution of $30 or more, EFWO will send you an adorable plush CaraBear. Proceeds from each bear goes to help local epilepsy research support .


Double the Impact---Enter code #Dare2Share to support the funding of this project.  By using #Dare2Share, EFWO uses your donation and delivers a CaraBear to a child hospitalized and facing current challenges associated with epilepsy. 


Thanks to your support,  we are well on our way to meet our CaraBear Project goal of $50,000.


-Together we will make a difference!


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